What Is Heat Therapy?

Infrared therapy is low temperature dry heat therapy, using comfortable temperatures that are adjustable and average 100°F to 130 °F. These lower temperatures allow you to sweat faster and to tolerate a longer sauna session offering greater therapeutic benefit.

A far infrared heater having a surface temperature of approximately 180-200° F will produce much higher quality far infrared heat than a heater running at 450 degrees or, as some heaters do, 700 degrees. Add in the additional benefit of 1,000 watts of Full Spectrum Infrared Clearlight® Saunas by Clearlight and you’ll receive the total holistic affect.

Warm up your sauna for about 10-15 minutes and once you are in, turn the temperature all the way up. The temperature will climb comfortably during your 30-45-minute session and will be a more relaxing and ultimately more affective.

Having experienced its healing benefits first hand, heat therapy is what attracted us to the sauna business. Its origins date back to ancient Roman, Turkish, Mexican and of course Finish cultures, where it is credited for improving cardiovascular function & blood circulation. When your body temperature rises, blood vessels dilate, heart rate increases and blood flow quickens, all resulting in a healthier, cardiovascular experience.

The body itself uses heat to as a therapy

To maintain optimum health, the body should average a temperature of 98.6 degrees, but the body can and will raise its temperature to fight an infection by producing a fever.

Pain reduction & muscle recovery are also well-known reasons for heat therapy because as the core body temperature increases blood flow, it naturally contributes to a more holistic healing process for any aches and pains in joints and muscles.

Sauna Heat Therapy Makes Medical Break-Through With Infrared Technology

When we discovered the advances in heat therapy made by Infrared Sauna Technology, we quickly found out why. By using light from the invisible spectrum of the sun’s rays, infrared saunas are more efficient and effective at extracting the benefits of heat while reducing the uncomfortable side effects of stress and discomfort with overly high temperatures.

“It’s not just about sweating. It’s about sweating smarter. Studies show that sweat from a traditional sauna contains about 3-5% toxins where sweat from an infrared sauna contains about 17-20% toxins”

In the Clearlight Premier™ or Clearlight Sanctuary™ Infrared Sauna models we sell, about 20% of the heat is heating the air and the other 80% directly heats your body. The scientific principles that are used to calculate infrared emissions from a surface or body show that lower temperatures produce higher quality far infrared heat. As the infrared heat warms your body directly, you will start to sweat, and you will sweat profusely. You will find you may actually sweat more in an infrared sauna than in a traditional rock sauna.

Lower temperatures allow for longer stay times and greater health benefits

Infrared therapy is low temperature dry heat therapy, using comfortable temperatures that are adjustable and average 100°F to 130 °F. These lower temperatures allow you to sweat faster and to tolerate a longer sauna session offering greater therapeutic benefit.

A far infrared heater having a surface temperature of approximately 180-200° F will produce much higher quality far infrared heat than a heater running at 450 degrees or, as some heaters do, 700 degrees. Add in the additional benefit of 1,000 watts of Full Spectrum Infrared Clearlight® Saunas by Clearlight and you’ll receive the total holistic affect.

Warm up your sauna for about 10-15 minutes and once you are in, turn the temperature all the way up. The temperature will climb comfortably during your 30-45-minute session and will be a more relaxing and ultimately more affective.

I’ve had the Clearlight sauna in operation for 2 weeks now and my wife and I are loving it. It has helped her rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis pain immensely – she’s in it every day. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is the improvement in the quality of my sleep. I go to sleep more readily when I retire, sleep sounder, and don’t get up in the night as often as I did pre-sauna. I was out of town this week for 3 nights and really could tell a difference in sleep quality since I did not have it available.


Richard, Murfreesboro, TN

The sauna is up, assembled, plugged in and we started using it over the weekend. We are thrilled with it. I really could not be happier. My doctor had recommended that I try one at a local body care place before we invested in our own. The one they have there is not a Clearlight and it’s fine but the Clearlight Sauna is much nicer. The Clearlight just seems to be higher quality overall. It’s better built and more comfortable as well. I am glad we got the three-person size. When G and I are in there together we have room to spread out a little.

A contractor friend of ours was over to visit and he pointed out details in the woodworking of the cabinet I would not have noticed otherwise. He was very impressed. Thanks!


MG, Portland, OR

I’ve owned and used my Clearlight Sauna for about three months now and thought I’d let you know my impressions regarding its effectiveness and value. I absolutely love my sauna! Thank you for selling such a wonderful and effective product! My Clearlight sauna has made a very positive and significant improvement in my overall health and quality of life. I have only one major regret – I wish I had purchased it many years ago, so I could have started reaping the benefits of using it that much sooner. The main benefits I’ve noticed from using the sauna are:
1. Better recovery from exercise – I used to have sore shoulder joints after weight training (I’m 54). Now, I hit the sauna after weight training and I don’t get sore shoulders anymore. I also seem to recover faster from exercise (my muscles don’t get sore).

2. Increased well-being – I now have a tremendous amount of energy. I seem to need less sleep and I feel full of life. I attribute this improvement to the resultant reduction in body toxins from using the sauna.

3. Decreased body fat – After using this sauna for three months my waist is about one inch smaller than before. This could have been caused by a variety of factors (such as all the extra water I drink in the sauna), but the fact is that I didn’t lose that body fat until after I started using the sauna.

My Clearlight sauna is a first-class product and it works every bit as well as you claimed on your website. Now that I’ve owned and used a Clearlight Sauna, I look forward to purchasing another sauna from you sometime in the future… and this time I’ll buy your top-of-the-line model. I trust your company and product that much, but only because you’ve earned that trust. Thanks, again, for selling me such a terrific sauna!

R. S.
Orlando, FL

I have epilepsy and went for my 6 month check-up and the doctor walks in and first thing he says is wow you look great! You have a glow about you and look so healthy. I told him about the sauna and how I am sleeping better and feeling good. He said to keep it up and he wants to get one for himself.

LY, Esko, MN

Our Clearlight IR sauna arrived a few days ago. My 17 yr. old son and I put it together in about 30 minutes. It is just beautiful, like a piece of furniture. My whole family has used the sauna several times and it is wonderful. I will admit that I was initially a bit skeptical about having a good sweat at lower temperatures. Now I am totally converted. My wife never liked traditional saunas because they are such a hot and “hostile” environment. She has used our Clearlight Sauna every day since it arrived and loves it.

As a healthcare provider, I have been familiar with the health benefits of IR light for years. I appreciated that Clearlight Saunas didn’t just talk about the potential benefits but provided references for the recent research regarding these benefits.

Thanks again for all your help. It was a pleasure working with you. Your customer service is beyond my expectations. That is something that doesn’t happen very often.

JA, Doctor of Chiropractic
Las Vegas, NV

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