Privacy Policy

Clearlight Infrared is committed to protecting the privacy of our clients and visitors to our website. We fully support the Fair Information Practice Principles and want to be clear and straightforward about our privacy policy. We believe the following spells out clearly our privacy policy and information practices:

1) What information may be collected? How could it be used?

We may request and collect certain basic information from you on our website. For example, when you request more information, a price list or perhaps health information may be emailed to you. By submitting your information, you authorize Clearlight Infrared and any of their authorized dealers to call or text you on the phone number provided, home or cell, and you understand that they may use automated phone technology to call or text you.

If you wished to pay for a sauna with a credit card, we would need to know your credit card type, number & expiration date in order to process the request. Unless you choose to provide information to us, we will not obtain personally identifying information about you when you visit our site, other than general information for website performance assessment purposes — such as the number of visitors to the different sections, the web address from where they linked to our site, the domain name, the date, time and the duration of their visit — to help make our site the best it can be.

2) Will any of the collected information be disclosed to others?

Any of the basic information you choose to provide to us and that we collect from you is confidential and protected by us. We do not sell, trade or rent your information to others.

3) How is the collected information protected?

We have several internal controls in place to protect the collected information. We consider the information confidential and proprietary and treat it with the same care and confidentiality as we would our own individual personal information. We use one of the largest & most reputable credit card processors in the industry to encrypt and process your credit card information on a HTTPS secure server so that your credit card information is always safe and protected.

4) Who can be contacted on privacy?

We have designated one of our officers as the company’s Privacy Officer to oversee compliance with our Privacy Policy and to handle any questions or concerns. Should you have any inquiries relating to our Privacy Policy, please feel free to e-mail our Privacy Officer at

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